Saturday, 26 September 2009

Super Mums!

Its official, I have it. Both my daughters have got it, theirs started in the week and today, yes, I have it. Swine Flu.

Girls developed colds to start with, but within 24 hours had taken to their beds, Mum raced off (on two separate occasions) for Tamiflu supplies and copious amounts of Lucozade and tissues.

Woke up with the sniffles this morning and, as previously arranged, set to, making concrete stepping stones for my new garden path. After making the wooden 'frames', digging out the soil, backfilling with hardcore and topping off with freshly mixed concrete and decorating with a little mosaic design on each one, I gradually began to feel sorrier and sorrier for myself, until we had finished the job, cleared up and sat down for (well deserved) coffee. Then I realised, I am rather poorly!

So, after washing the concrete dust from my hands and face, walking the poor dog (who, for obvious reasons cannot go out into the garden till at least tomorrow morning) cooking the two invalid daughters their dinner, washing up, typing up my (way behind the times) blog, having a bath and re-walking the dog (who by this time is actually crossing his poor little furry legs!) I will dig out my favorite PJ's, one of my favorite re-readable books and a fluffy dressing gown and collapse on the sofa for a hour or so.

It is times like these, when I catch myself wishing my old Mum was around, making me chicken noodle soup and bringing me hot drinks, but i guess it's that way for all of us, anyway, as my girls seem to think, Mums don't get it as bad, do they?