Its a dogs life. I think everyone's heard that comment at one time or another. I've been thinking just what that must be like - for my animals anyway. My dog and two cats all have private health insurance. (It, evidently, costs more to remove my cats tooth than it does mine!) They all get little cards through the post reminding me when they are next due for a general medical, just to check everything is ok. I dont know about your Doctor, but I dont remember the last time a Doctor did that for me. They wake, with me , in the morning and lay and doze, warm and comfortable whilst I rush about frantically getting ready for work and making sure they are all fed, watered and walked (where necessary). Weekends, I finally get time off work. Rest and relaxation? Well, if you call walking windswept beaches, throwing sticks with frozen fingers and trying to cram a distinctly reticent dog into a dog coat then I guess so.

Whilst all this frenetic activity is going on the cats look on serenely. Watching the world go by with the aloof air of one who is waited on hand and paw, and expects to be. One who is brushed, conditioned, fed, watered, medically coddled and generally adored.
So, I've decided. When my time comes, and St Peter (or whoever has the job at the time) asks me what I want to return to the mortal world as, I shall have no hesitation. 'Find me a suitably daft, preferably rich and undeniably stupid human and I'll be their pet'.
What's the betting I'll get the only little old lady that's into taxidermy?

Hello from one frustrated writer to another. Your posts are clever and funny. Any day, you'll finish your big book of ...and we'll never see another word in blogland.
ReplyDeleteNever Lakeviewer, thank you for your kind comment, but I could never desert the lonely few that bother to read my blogs - you are a rare breed!
ReplyDeleteThanks for signing up to follow my blog. We'll keep encouraging each other. I have been reading about the relationships of women writers like Virginia Wolff and Katherine Mansfield. They helped each other be better writers as well as keep plugging in a field not open to them.