Writing this I should, be sitting in the calm, peaceful atmosphere of my dining room. Unfortunately I have a tumble dryer. Not one of your new, shiney, space age tumble driers. Oh no. Mine is old. Oh, lets not be coy here. Mine is ancient. My tumble drier wouldnt look out of place if it featured in Time Team. Now, owning a gerictric kitchen appliance would not normally cause me one iota of concern. Except today. Due to the attrocious weather we've all been having, (and the fact that, well lets just say 'domestic goddess' I aint, if you catch my drift) I have accumulated an outstanding amount of washing. I only realised how bad it had got when I witnessed an argument between my two daughters this morning about who was going to use the very last clean bath towel. OK, I thought, I really must tackle this.
That was the start of my problem. Now I know the tumble drier is old, and as such, not going to be as quiet and efficient and sleek as new model (are any of us?) but this is something else.
The noise is unbelievable. It whistles. Not Green Sleeves or the theme tune from The Bill or anything, but more the way I would imagine a parrot would sound, having a vasectomy sans anasthetic. It does this constantly. The whole time it's on. Now I am not in a position to rush out and purchase a new one at the moment, so, as I explained to the girls, we will just have to get on with it, stiff upper lip and all that. I thought they were taking it rather well. They didnt say much, just smiled and nodded. It was then that I realised I'd been left to it. They were'nt hearing me or the apocalyptic din of the satanic drier. They'd plugged in to their MP3's and were completely oblivious. Well, if you cant beat 'em, as they say. Anyway, if anyone reading this was thinking of popping round for a coffee or anything, I'd advise against it. Unless you bring your MP3. I can recommend Beethoven's 5th, anything by Metallica is good too. Oh and if you can lip read that would really be a plus.
That was the start of my problem. Now I know the tumble drier is old, and as such, not going to be as quiet and efficient and sleek as new model (are any of us?) but this is something else.
The noise is unbelievable. It whistles. Not Green Sleeves or the theme tune from The Bill or anything, but more the way I would imagine a parrot would sound, having a vasectomy sans anasthetic. It does this constantly. The whole time it's on. Now I am not in a position to rush out and purchase a new one at the moment, so, as I explained to the girls, we will just have to get on with it, stiff upper lip and all that. I thought they were taking it rather well. They didnt say much, just smiled and nodded. It was then that I realised I'd been left to it. They were'nt hearing me or the apocalyptic din of the satanic drier. They'd plugged in to their MP3's and were completely oblivious. Well, if you cant beat 'em, as they say. Anyway, if anyone reading this was thinking of popping round for a coffee or anything, I'd advise against it. Unless you bring your MP3. I can recommend Beethoven's 5th, anything by Metallica is good too. Oh and if you can lip read that would really be a plus.
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